Faculty-Led Courses and Study Abroad

The table below lists faculty-led courses focusing on a country or region of Latin America and the Caribbean. Keep in mind that courses abroad incur additional fees; follow the links to learn more about the individual courses.

Course Title Country/Region Term(s) Instructor
IB 496 Tropical Forest Ecology in Panama  Panama Fall term B + Winter Break James Dalling
GLBL 298 Migrations and Development Dilemmas in Costa Rica  Costa Rica  Fall term B + Winter short term  Nikolai A. Alvarado
ESE 389 Environment and Sustainability Field Expedition  Costa Rica  Spring short term --
PS 199 Human Rights, Political Culture and Politics in Argentina  Argentina  Spring A + Spring short term  Gisela Sin
LAST 395 Archaeology Field School  Peru Summer Kasia Szremski 


Study and Intern at University of Congress  Argentina Fall or Spring --
-- Sustainable Development Studies Costa Rica Fall, Spring, or Summer --
-- Wild Patagonia: Fire and Ice Chile Fall or Spring --
EDUC 499 Education Summer Program in Ecuador/Galapagos Islands


Ecuador / Galápagos Islands Spring B + Summer Adriene Lane
ACE 499 + ACE 398 Sustainable Agriculture and Eco-Tourism Galápagos Islands Summer Paul McNamara
ANSC 398 A Professional and Cultural Immersion in Animal and Veterinary Science Brazil Summer Maria Cattai de Godoy
CHEM 492 Natural Products in Costa Rica Costa Rica Summer José Andino
NRES 285 Coral Reef Field Course The Bahamas Winter Jocelyn Curtis-Quick
NRES 285 Ecology, Culture, and Environmental Sustainability

Yucatán Peninsula

Winter Michael Ward


Scholarships for abroad programs can be found here.