External Latin American Studies Resources


Consortium of Latin American Studies Program (CLASP)
CLASP promotes all facets of Latin American studies throughout the world. On its Web site you will find a comprehensive list of summer programs in less-commonly taught and indigenous Latin American languages offered by universities throughout the United States.

Latin American Studies Association (LASA)
LASA is a worldwide professional association for individuals and institutions whom are dedicated to the study of Latin America.

Oxford Latin American Economic History Database (OxLAD)
OxLAD contains statistical information for economic and social indicators for twenty Latin American countries for the period 1900-2000.

Latin American Network Information Center (LANIC)
From humanities to regional resources and education, LANIC offers information on almost every aspect of Latin America. LANIC shares current and information on upcoming national elections in the region.

Our mission is to improve cultural understanding, global perspective, and Spanish and English language skills by connecting University Students from Spain with University of Illinois students who share common interests, goals, and ambitions. Nuestra misión es mejorar el conocimiento cultural, la perspectiva global, y la adquisición del español y el inglés.Queremos conectar a estudiantes universitarios de España con estudiantes de la Universidad de Illinois que tengan intereses, metas y ambiciones similare.

The World Digital Library (WDL)
The WDL makes available on the Internet, free of charge and in multilingual format, significant primary materials from countries and cultures around the world. The principal objectives of the WDL are to: 1) promote international and intercultural understanding, 2) expand the volume and variety of cultural content on the internet, 3) provide resources for educators, scholars, and general audiences, and 4) build capacity in partner institutions to narrow the digital divide within and between countries.



New Mexico State Library
Newspapers, major web directories for Latin America, general databases, organizations, and much more.

Digital Library of the Instituto de Estudios Peruanos
The Instituto (lima, Peru) has made available on its website PDF versions of the Colección Peru Problema series, along with books and academic papers. La Biblioteca Digital Andina es un espacio que reúne obras representativas del acervo cultural de los países andinos y constituye, a la vez, un entorno de información, conocimiento y servicios en las distintas áreas de la integración.

Plataforma Democrática
A common ground for exchange between researchers and for dialogue with policy makers, politicians and the civil society.

FOCUS on Global Resources newsletter
In Fall 2007, the Global Resources Newsletter merged with the CRL FOCUS newsletter, which was newly renamed FOCUS on Global Resources. It highlights the Center for Research Libraries' collection of 800,000 dissertations.

LANIC Periódicos y Noticias: Latin American Network Infromation Center
LANIC Medios y Cominicacion:

Rádio Universitária FM 99.9, Recife, PE, Brazil
As Rádios Universitárias AM (820 Khz) e FM (99.9Mhz) levam ao grande público informação, lazer e cultura a partir de programas apresentados por importantes comunicadores pernambucanos e por estudantes de graduação do curso de Comunicação Social.

Café Brasil Radio Show
The very best Brazilian music every Sunday 6pm-8pm on 88.9FM in South Florida and around the world at www.wdna.org. Café Brasil showcases the immense richness and variety of Brazilian musical styles like samba, bossa nova, MPB, jazz, forró, pop, rock, reggae and many more instrumental and regional styles. With Café Brasil, Gene de Souza opens minds, hearts and souls to the vast colorful universe of Brazilian music. This variety is what sets Café Brasil apart from other Brazilian radio programs broadcast outside Brazil.

Radios de América Latina, Emisoras Hispanoamericanas

PARLANTE. Revista del Cusco



Wuqu' Kawoq: Strengthening Mayan Language and Medicine
Wuqu' Kawoq was founded in 2007 by a group of development workers partnering with indigenous communities in Guatemala with the intent of addressing this problem. Although new as an organization, the founding members have a demonstrated commitment to indigenous Mayans, with 20 years of combined experience in Guatemala and proficiency in several Mayan languages.

Portal Domínio Público
Produced by the Brazilian government, this free-access digital library gathers academic thesis and dissertations, works of literature and poetry, music and some videos.

Operation Groundswel
Operation Groundswell is a non-profit organization that offers backpacking-style group volunteer programs to the developing world. We pride ourselves on providing the most genuine, ethical, and affordable opportunities out there

Mano A Mano
Working hand-in-hand to improve lives of rural Bolivia. Over the past few years, Mano a Mano has partnered with rural Bolivian farmers to construct 204 greenhouses. Each is projected to last for 20 years with minimal maintenance.



CLACS' Latin American K-14 Teaching Resources

América Latina: Portal Europeo REDIAL CEISAL
Información e investigación europeas sobre América Latina. El Portal es fruto de la cooperación entre las redes REDIAL y CEISAL; su objetivo es ofrecer un completo sistema de información especializado en la investigación europea en Ciencias Humanas y Sociales sobre América Latina.

Latin American Open Archives Portal (LAOAP)
The LAOAP is a project to build a scholars' portal at the Latin American Network Information Center (LANIC) to improve access to social sciences grey literature produced in Latin America. LAOAP will include working documents, preprints, research papers, statistical documents, and other difficult-to-access materials published by research institutions, nongovernmental organizations, and peripheral agencies, and that are not controlled by commercial publishers.