Language Fellowships (FLAS)

FLAS (Foreign Language Area Studies) fellowships are funded by the US Department of Education. They support undergraduate and graduate students in the advancement of foreign language and area studies, with emphasis on intermediate or advanced study of languages. (Graduate students may be eligible for a FLAS to support beginning level language study.) Fellowships are available for the academic year or for the summer. 

In the near future, updated information about applications will become available, and information sessions scheduled, via the Illinois FLAS site. In the meantime, contact Kasia Szremski with questions: 

Languages supported by CLACS: Portuguese; Quechua

Fellowship requirements:

  • For academic year fellowships: be enrolled full-time (12 credit hours) each semester; be enrolled for graded credit in formal language instruction; be enrolled in an international or area studies course.
  • For summer fellowships: be enrolled in the equivalent of a full year of formal language study

Eligibility requirements for undergraduate students:

  • U.S. citizen or permanent resident
  • Currently enrolled in or have a demonstrated proficiency in at least the intermediate level in Portuguese or Quechua
  • Minimum GPA 3.0

Eligibility requirements for graduate students:

  • U.S. citizen or permanent resident
  • Currently enrolled as a graduate student at UIUC and in good standing, OR admitted to a graduate program at UIUC
  • Have a demonstrated proficiency in at least the intermediate level in Portuguese or Quechua, OR have demonstrated advanced proficiency in another foreign language if seeking FLAS to support beginning-level language learning