Congrats on Recent Publications by Current and Former History Students!


Three current and former Latin American History Ph.D. students are making waves with important publications in Hispanic American Historical Review, the flagship journal for Latin American History in the US.  

Nancy van Deusen's (Ph.D.1993) work, entitled "Indigenous Slavery's Archive in Seventeenth-Century Chile" will be featured in issue 101:1 (Feb. 2021), Silvia Escanilla Huerta (Ph.D. expected 2022), who is also a former CLACS SGRF fellow, will have her article, "Indigenous Slavery's Archive in Seventeenth-Century Chile" featured in issue  101:2 (May 2021); and John Marquez (Ph.D. 2019), who is a former CLACS FLAS fellow, will also have an article, entitled "Paula's Enslavement, Her Family's Freedom Suit, and the Making of a Counterarchive in the South Atlantic World" featured in the same issue.

Congratulations on these achievements!