CLACS Call for Faculty Projects for Upcoming Title VI Grant


The Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies invites current and prospective CLACS faculty affiliates to submit proposals for possible inclusion in our application to the U.S. Department of Education under Title VI for renewal of its status as a National Resource Center in Latin American and Caribbean Studies for the AY 2022-2026 period.

CLACS encourages projects from disciplines and fields of study that support research, teaching, and outreach activities that advance innovative approaches to Latin American and Caribbean Studies

Funding requests should typically not exceed $15,000-$20,000 over the four-year funding period.

Full application details are available here.

If you have any questions or wish to talk about proposal ideas, please reach out to CLACS Director, Gisela Sin (, and/or CLACS Associate Director, Kasia Szremski (

Applications are due August 16th, 2021