Lecturer: José Caixeta (Distinguished Visiting Scholar from the University of São Paulo, Brazil)
Period: Fall (08/21/23-12/06/23); Wednesdays, 11:00 AM - 12:50 PM; Mondays, 11:00 AM - 11:50 AM
Venue: Room 220, Agricultural Engineering Science Building (AESB)
Field/Section: Engineering Technology Management for Agricultural Systems (ETMA)
Course registration number (CRN): 78544
Main objectives of the course: The general objective of this course is to present the logistics applied to agribusiness, involving both the understanding of the different logistical activities (transport, storage, and information) as well as the practical use of tools applied to the logistics management of this chain (mathematical models of optimization, mostly using linear programming). Most examples are related to Brazil, one of the major players in the international agribusiness market worldwide. The basic motivation for the search of such optimization is the need for augmenting the competitiveness of specific products, which may imply a clear reduction of costs in exporting operations.
Contacts: jose.caixeta@usp.br or lfr@illinois.edu