Fall 2023 Courses

The following courses are being offered in Fall 2023 and contain at least a portion of content covering Latin American and the Caribbean. Note that this list is not exhaustive. Please speak to Kasia Szremski if you have questions about whether a course qualifies for our major/minor.

To see a list of courses that either take place abroad or have a required module abroad, please visit this page.


Latin American and Caribbean Studies courses:

Course Title Instructor
LAST 170 Que Pasa in Latin America? Cultures, Histories and Politics South of the Rio Grande (GEN ED) Kasia Szremski
LAST 210 Life in the Andes (GEN ED)  Carlos Molina-Vital
LAST 232 Spanish in the Community Ann Abbott
LAST 550 Interdisciplinary Seminar Latin America Studies Waïl S Hassan
QUEC 410 Beginner Quechua I Carlos Molina-Vital
QUEC 420 Intermediate Quechua I Carlos Molina-Vital


Affiliated courses:

Course Title Instructor
ACE 251 The World Food Economy  Michelson, H
ADV 175 Diversity in Advertising  Chambers, J
AFRO 134 Religion, Race, and Resistance  Justice, D ; McKinnis, L 
AFRO 215 US Citizenship Comparitively  Kashani, M
AFRO 281 Constructing Race in America Burgos, A ; Lan, Y
AFRO 421 Racial and Ethnic Families Barnett, B
ANTH 102 Human Origins and Culture Stumpf, R
ANTH 104 Talking Culture   
ANTH 160 Race and Contemporary Social Issues Rosas, G 
ANTH 209 Food, Culture, and Society Silverman, H
ANTH 353 Language and Humor  Kramer, E
ANTH 512 Language in Culture 1 Smalls, K
ARCH 210 Introduction to the History to World Architecture Grossman, H
ARCH 321 Enviroment, Architecture, and World Health  
ARCH 417 Modern and Contemporary Global Architecture  Johnson, T
ARCH 424 Gender and Race in Contemp Arch Anthony, K
ARTH 110 Introduction to the History of Art and Visual Culture O'Brien, D
BUS 401 Global Business Perspectives Corredor Waldron, S
CI 449 Issues in Latina/o Education Monica Gonzalez
CPSC 112 Introduction to Crop Sciences Juan David Arbelaez
CWL 451 International Film Genres and Auteurs  Mehta, R
CWL 562 Sem Spanish-American Lit  Ledesma, E
ETMA 499 Optimization Models Applied to Agri-Logistics José Caixeta
GGIS 210 Social & Environmental Issues Nikolai A. Alvarado
GGIS 594 Seminar in Social Geography Nikolai A. Alvarado
GLBL 100 Intro to Global Studies  Wedig, T ; Schrag, D
GLBL 130 Resistance Movements Bonatti, V
GLBL 221 Geographies of Global Conflict Jefferson, B
GLBL 240 Global Health Bonatti, V
GLBL 298 Global Studies Seminar Abroad Nikolai A. Alvarado
GLBL 350 Poverty in a Global Context  
GLBL 440 Global Health: Interventions and Evaluations Bonatti, V
GLBL 500 Global Society Tonini, D
GWS 393 Policing Latinx Immigrant Communities (GEN ED) Damian Vergara Bracamontes
HIST 100 Global Histroy Alli, G ; Coskun, N ; Rabin, D ; Komasenu, G
HIST 258 20thC World to Midcentury Chaplin, T
HIST 292 Latina/o Social Movements Mirelsie Velázquez
HIST 307 History of Mexico from 1519 Brosseder, C
HIST 311 History of Intelligence Brennan, J
HIST 349 Age of Revolution. 1775-1815  
HIST 400 War, Soc, Politics and Culture Reagan, L
IB 230 Pandemics Brian F Allan
IS 308 Race, Gender, and Information Technology Mussulman, D
JOUR 250 Journalism Ethics and Diversity Garza, M
LAW 656 International Law Francis Boyle
LLS 100 Intro Latino/Latina Studies  Flores, N ; Alvarez, L
LLS 200 US Race and Empire  
LLS 215 US Citizenship Comparitively Kashani, M
LLS 235 Race and the Politics of Reproduction Lira, N
LLS 238 Latina/o Social Movements  Velazquez, M
LLS 281 Constructing Race in America Burgos, A
LLS 296 Topics in Latina/o Studies  Velazquez, M
LLS 310 Race and Cultural Diversity Moton, T
LLS 357 Literatures of the Displaced Lule, L
LLS 385 Theory and Methods in LLS Velazquez Estrada, R
LLS 375 Latina/o Media in the US Angharad N. Valdivia
LLS 387  Race, Gender, and the Body Flores, N
LLS 433 Foundations of Bilingual Education Martinez Negrette, G
LLS 449 Issues in Latina/o Education Gonzalez, M
LLS 479 Race, Medicine, and Society Lira, N
MUSC 493 Latin Jazz Ensemble Guido Sanchez-Portuguez
PORT 150 Writing Brazilians Into the US Karam, J
PORT 400 Intensive Beginning Portuguese Goebel R
PORT 401 Intensive Intermediate Portuguese Goebel, R
PORT 404 Studies in Luso-Brazilian Culture Goebel, R ; Hassan, W
PORT 460 Principles of Language testing  Yan, X
PORT 595 Special Topics of Port and Braz Lit  
PS 316 Latina/o Politics Rodriguez, R
PS 329 Immigration and Citizenship Wong, C
PS 353 Gov and Pol of Latina America Carache, D
SCLC Topics in Global Culture  Darhemi, E
SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I Yarrington, K
SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II Yarrington, K
SPAN 122 Intensive Elementary Spanish  Yarrington, K
SPAN 130 Intermediate Spanish  Yarrington, K
SPAN 141 Introduction to Spanish Grammar  Carollo, B
SPAN 142 Spanish in Professions Carollo, B
SPAN 200 Readings in Hispanic Texts Florencia Henshaw
SPAN 202 Spanish for Business Abbott, A
SPAN 204 Advanced Spanish Grammar in Context Florencia Henshaw
SPAN 208  Oral Spanish  Florencia Henshaw
SPAN 228 Spanish Composition Florencia Henshaw
SPAN 232 Spanish in the Community Abbott, A
SPAN 307 Bilingualism Florencia Henshaw

SPAN 246

Gender & Sexuality in Latina/o Literature Xiomara Verenice Cervantes-Gómez
SPAN 240 Latina/o Popular Culture (GEN ED)  Randy Rodriguez
SPAN 250 Approaches to Literature  
SPAN 326 FICTION CINEMA IN LATIN AMERICA: Getting Reel: An Introduction to 21st Century Latin American Cinema (taught in Spanish) Eduardo Ledesma
SOC 163 Social Problems  Redstone, I
SOC 201 Race, Gender, and Power Vergara Bracamontes, D
SOC 221 Latina/o Migration (GEN ED) Garcia, B
SOC 225 Race and Ethnicity  Hernandez, J
SOC 270 Global Demographic  Buckley, C
SOC 355 Race and Mixed Race Lule, L
SOC 373 Social Inequality Leicht, K
SOCW 240 Death & Dying Andrade Flavia